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Tora sans Song of Love (1983)

Tora sans Song of Love (1983)

3050 Votes

Tora sans Song of Love 1983 This series really seems to excel whenever a singer or music is focused on, especially as the Madonna Toras brief time with Harumi is one of the sweetest romances in the series in a while inverted commas because in typical Tora san fashion, it doesnt progress very far The first half or so is really fun and engaging I especially liked how Harumi was on the run in a sense, and seemed to relish her time with Tora because he treated her like a normal person rather than a larger than life celebrity, like everyone else in her life did The second half has its moments but drags a little, and does in the end hold the film as a whole back from greatness But it remains a strong entry, and if youve made it this far into the series, it will leave you more than satisfied

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