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The Chronicles of Riddick Into Pitch Black (2000)

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The Chronicles of Riddick Into Pitch Black 2000 A policeman is assigned by his superior officer to find and apprehend escaped convict Richard B Riddick, Riddick was being transported on board space transport vessel Hunter Gratzner carrying on board 40 people, where a bounty hunter named Johns who captured him was escorting him to the penal colony Slam City and claim the bounty on his head But the Hunter Gratzner was struck by a meteor shower and crashed on a desert planet, where Riddick and 10 survivors were marooned The policeman decides to hire a female bounty hunter to track down and capture Riddick alive The female bounty hunter begins to suspect there is something more behind the Hunter Gratzner incident and learns one of the survivors, Paris P Ogilive was carrying on board Hunter Gratzner a priceless collection of artifacts and learns the back stories of the 10 survivors as well as Riddick

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