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Secrets of Eden (2012)

4157 Votes

Secrets of Eden (2012) "Secrets of Eden" centers on Stephen Drew, an adored small-town minister in Haverhill, Vermont, and the brutal and sadistic murder-suicide of Alice and George Hayward, the town's most beloved parishioners. While the community never imagined such a destiny for the Haywards, dark secrets begin to surface, causing many to realize they may not have been the perfect family everyone thought they were. When evidence of an affair between Alice and Reverend Drew surfaces, Detective Catherine Benicasa suspects that the crime may actually be more complicated than it appeared and sets her eyes on the likable minister as the prime suspect. Now Katie, the Haywards' orphaned 15-year-old daughter, may be the only key to uncover the disturbing secrets of what happened behind closed doors on that fateful night and the suffering they endured as a "not so perfect" family.

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