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Pilot (1969)

3393 Votes

Pilot 1969 In the pilot of the television series Night Gallery 1969, Rod Serling introduces three separate paintings, each with its own story of uncanny vengeance against evil to tell The first, The Cemetery, involves a black sheep nephew Roddy McDowall who murders his rich uncle to inherit his fortune both much to the detriment of the uncles butler Ossie Davis only to find that vengeance extends beyond the grave In the second story, Eyes, a rich, heartless woman Joan Crawford who has been blind from birth blackmails an aspiring surgeon and a man who desperately needs money to give her a pair of eyes which will allow her to see for the first time even though for only half a days time only to have the plan backfire on her in ways she never imagined In the third story, The Escape Route, a Nazi war criminal Richard Kiley is hiding from the authorities in South America, where he is confronted with his past demons and a curious Holocaust survivor Sam Jaffe and finds solace only in a serene painting in a museum, wanting nothing more than to enter into that world and stop running

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