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8.22016Documentary, News

4.62020Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller

6.52012Drama, Romance


Nu xiao chun se (1970)

Nu xiao chun se (1970)

4170 Votes

Nu xiao chun se 1970 This movie stars Peter Chen Ho as a male teacher in an all girls school The girls are teens and, since they live there, are kind of tickled to see a male teacher They dont particularly lust after him, but they kind of crush on him The title of the film refers to a baby that Chen minded as a favor in a doctors office, only to find the mother left him with Chen Chen has to take care of the baby and, inevitably, has to bring him to school and hide him, as he lives there also At first this film is slapstick, then it becomes a lot more dramatic, which makes it a better film Li Ching plays an old friend of Chens and is a director there by old friend I mean she knew him in childhood She is in her mid twenties Over time, you see a connection between them She becomes less dowdy through the film and much prettier The plot of the film shifts to the babys real parents, which also makes it a better film I do recommend this film, as it has comic, dramatic and sentimental overtones Mr Ho passed away less than a year after this film was released from colon cancer, so Im glad to have seen this film, to appreciate his acting ability He is a good actor, and I would bet was terribly missed at the time If you like Hong Kong films, or films by the Shaw Brothers, youll like this Otherwise, still check it out

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