Kathryn Upside Down (2016)
Kathryn Upside Down (2016) 'Kathryn Upside Down' is a dark comedy-drama set in Chicago and Lake Forest, Illinois. The film follows the life of Kathryn, a mid-20's, off beat, yet fashionable girl from wealthy suburb Lake Forest. One day at an upscale party in her home, a toilet gets plugged; Kathryn's mother prompts her to call a plumber; after his arrival, Kathryn quickly discovers the plumber is her biological father she's never met. As her world is turned upside down, Kathryn embarks on a journey of self-discovery with her new found father. The film explores the divide of social classes, sexual orientation, and race; filmmaker Allie Loukas self produced the film with Gloria Loukas, and attorney Linda Mensch. Music by JNan, Vapornet, the LustKillers, and Moonrise Nation. Shot on RED.