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Hornblower Mutiny (2001)

Hornblower Mutiny (2001)

1211 Votes

Hornblower Mutiny 2001 Sir Edward Pellew visits Horatio Hornblower who is jail in Jamaica awaiting his trial on a charge of making a mutiny His problems began six months earlier when he was appointed Third Lieutenant aboard the HMS Renown under the famous Captain James Sawyer It soon becomes apparent to several of the officers, including Horatios friend Archie Kennedy who is aboard ship as Fourth Lieutenant that the Captain is suffering from madness of some sort He is cruel and sees conspiracies everywhere Both Horatio and Midshipman Welland prove to be the particular objects of his wrath The situation is not helped by an inexperience First Lieutenant who does not command the Captains respect and a newly arrived Second Lieutenant who doesnt seem ready to challenge the Captain in any way

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