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Code 46 (2003)

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Code 46 (2003) Code 46 is a love story set in a Brave New Worldtype nearfuture where cities are heavily controlled and only accessible through checkpoints. People cannot travel unless they have papeles (papers in Spanish; words and sentences in many languages, especially Spanish, French and Chinese are mixed with English in this new world), a special travel permit issued by the totalitarian government, the Sphinx. Outside these cities, the desert has taken over and shanty towns are jammed with noncitizens people without IDs forced to live primitive lives. William is a family man who works as a government investigator. When he is sent to Shanghai to solve a case of fake IDs, he meets a woman named Maria. Although he realizes she is behind the forgeries, he cannot help but fall completely in love with her. He hides her crime and they have a wild, passionate affair that can only last as long as his visa: 24 hours. Back home, William is obsessed with the memory of Maria. When the original ...

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