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Ballet of Blood (2015)

Ballet of Blood (2015)

4673 Votes

After a ballet schools prima ballerina (Mindy Robinson) gets shot at by beautifully psychotic fellow dancer, Nisa (Sydney Raye), the whole companys on edge. Classes continue, shrouded in fear, while Nisa remains at large. Her ditsy ballerina friend, Ria (Jessica Knopf), is being held in solitary confinement, for suspicion of being involved. But Ria breaks out of the asylum, and after getting willingly drugged by Nisa, Ria is coerced into assisting her on a new mission, the ultimate assault (with a samurai sword and UZI machine gun from her fathers secret room). All those who contributed to the many years of emotional and physical abuse and body shaming will be in harms way. Meanwhile, a nerdy ballerina, Maren (Marla Martinez) starts writing a novel based on the events that transpired, deeply offending some for turning such sensitive material into a book, for young audiences. Soon, her and her sister, Saren (Rubi Garcia), realize every word being typed on Marens typewriter is ...

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